Gan su Ding xi HTZ administrative committee director Liu dingshun insapection in Ankang HTZ

Time:2022-06-14 09:54       Author:Anonymity       CopyFrom:AnkHTZ

Jun 11th, Gan su Ding xi HTZ administrative committee director Liu dingshun insapection  in Ankang HTZ. Ankang HTZ party committee member, administrative committee deputy director Tang minxin accompany.

Director liudingshun came to the selenium rich industry research institute, the high tech zone and the new Ankang portal planning exhibition hall, Shaanxi heruiguang Technology Co., Ltd., Ankang Zhengda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Huayin Technology Co., Ltd., Ankang New Economy research institute, Ankang rural revitalization space, to learn more about the planning and construction, industrial layout, science and technology incubation, enterprise cultivation of Ankang high tech Zone.