Hei Longjiang Construction Group Secretary Of The Party Committee Lu Yaowu Inspected In Ankang HTZ

Time:2020-09-30 14:22       Author:Anonymity       CopyFrom:AnkHTZ

Sep 28th, Hei longjiang construction group secretary of the party committee, chairman Lu Yaowu inspected in Ankang HTZ. Ankang HTZ members of the party committee, administrative committee deputy director Tang mingxin, high tech group chairman and general manager Chen fan accompany.

Lu Yaowu a line of to Ankang HTZ planning exhibition hall, Ankang poverty alleviation space, Qin’ba econology culture park, Ankang enclave economic development business operation center, Ankang middle school high tech campus, Kang hui communication limited company, Chao meite science and technology limited company, detail to know HTZ overall planning and operation, new Ankang portal zone education medical planning layout, important industrial project construct.

In the fourm, Lu Yaowu after the listen Ankang HTZ overall planning, attract investment, land policy to show,  Ankang HTZ development prospects broad, business environment excellent, for the vast number of foreign business men provide good investment platform, affordable suppporting policies, intimate perpheral service, he hope that both side will continued strengthen communication, united promote project speed quickly landed, for Ankang HTZ high quality construct contributing.